Swiss Eyelet Bib
Updated: Jun 6, 2023
Need a sweet gift for an even sweeter baby? Consider adding eyelet trim to dress up a this beautiful bib.

Children’s Corner Bunny’s Knit Nightie pattern
3/4” Swiss Eyelet – 2 yards
Embroidery Floss (optional)
1. Measure around the outer edge of the bib and multiply this measurement by 1.75.
2. If the eyelet has little holes near the edge, run 6 strands of embroidery floss through the holes for a touch of color.

3. Trim each end of the eyelet so that it is curved to the finished edge.
4. Stitch 2 rows of lengthened stitches near the raw edge of the eyelet.
5. Gather the eyelet to fit around the edge of the bib. Curve the ends of the eyelet so that it stops 1/4” from the neck edge. Stitch using a 1/4” seam.
6. Place the bib lining to the bib with right sides together. Stitch together, leaving an opening for turning on one side of the bib.

7. Trim seams, turn and press. Whipstitch opening. 8. Add a snap or buttonhole and button. Click here for some tips on installing grippers.

Instructions by
Susan Whitman

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