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Robert Shirt with Curved Hem

Updated: May 31, 2023

We love sewing for our kids, but as they age it can be tricky. Use this tutorial to add length and a curved hem to the Robert shirt and he will love wearing this shirt until he trades his Legos in for video games.


Children’s Corner Robert pattern Tracing Paper French Curve (if available, this tool helps achieve a smooth, professional curve)

Cutting Instructions

1. Trace the Robert shirt front and back leaving several inches of tracing paper at the bottom of each pattern piece. 2. Extend the length of the shirt front at the facing.

3. Draw the new bottom of the shirt front with a straight line 1/3 of the way across + 2”. You will then begin to curve up towards the original side seam. Level off the top of the curve so the line is almost straight again at the side seam.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 with the back shirt.


Follow Robert construction directions and for hem press the edge up 1/8” then 1/8” again. Topstitch the hem.

Instructions by Susan Whitman

Click the printer icon below for printable version.

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Children's Corner Store and Patterns

Celebrating the art of sewing since 1978, we are focused on classic and contemporary children’s clothing trends as well as quality sewing materials and instruction. 

The Corner Stitch: A Blog by the Children's Corner Store

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