Pleated Ruffle Pocket
Updated: Jun 7, 2023
Pleated ruffled pockets are an easy addition to any projects. Kids love pockets, and this one boasts a beautiful pleated detail. Make these pockets with or without the ruffle edge. Seen here on our Tate jacket.
1. See pattern piece for cutting instructions of pocket and bias band. (click here to download PDF)
2. Match the stitching lines for the pleat with the right sides of the fabric together. Open the pleat at the back of the pocket, and press in place. You will sew this in place when you stitch on the bias band and bottom of the pocket.
3. Place the lining and the fashion fabric with right sides together. Stitch around the pocket with a scant 1/4” seam, leaving the top edge open. Trim, turn and press.
4. Cut the ruffle 2 1/2" wide X 8" long. Fold with right sides together, and stitch 1/4” seam on both ends. Trim, turn and press. Stitch two rows of lengthened gathering threads along the top edge. Gather the ruffle to fit the top of the pocket, and baste ruffle to pocket.
5. Stitch the bias band to the top of the pocket with right sides together leaving a 1/4” of the band extending beyond each side of the pocket.
6. Fold the short ends of the bias to the back of the pocket. Then fold the long edge bias 1/4” from the edge. Fold and wrap bias band around seam allowance and stitch by hand or machine.
7. Topstitch pocket to dress 1/8” from edge of pocket, making sure to only attach to the jacket fabric not the lining. Be sure to tack ends well to reinforce points where pockets will experience the most pulling from little hands.
Technique by Claudia Sullivan

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