Parker's Pants Pattern Correction
Pattern Correction: Parker's Pants #285
These corrections apply to the earliest versions of Parker's Pants released prior to 2019
1. Pattern Markings - Size 3 (Pants or Long Shorts Front and Capri or Shorts Front)
Foldline for casing is 1/4" too low. Move it up 1/4" so it will match the Foldline for Casing on the Back pattern piece.
2. With right sides together stitch center front and center back seams making a plain seam. Overcast seam using a overcast foot (Bernina #2, Viking J) and a zigzag stitch with a stitch length of 1 and a stitch width of 3.

3. The placement of the cargo pockets is not marked on the pattern pieces. Here is how to determine placement. Place bottom of pocket on pants measuring down from foldline using the measurements below. Center pocket over side seam.
Size 1-8 3/4”
Size 2-9 3/4”
Size 3-10 3/4”
Size 4-11/3/4”
Size 5-12 3/4”
Size 6-13/3/4”
Size 7-15
Size 8-16 1/4”

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