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Nora with Panel Skirt

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

The circle skirt on the Nora knit pattern is a perfect place to add panels and use coordinating fabrics to create a fun and funky look. Cut out all pattern pieces except skirt pieces. You will construct the bodice, neck and sleeves as instructed on pattern. For a panel skirt, you will have to retrace the skirt pattern piece. Note that the skirt pattern piece has seam allowances on 3 edges.


Piped Neck Edge

1. Cut facing from neck edge out of coordinating knit fabric.

2. Sew neck edge following pattern instructions. Trim seam and press the facing so that 1/8” is exposed to the front side of the dress.

3. Stitch in the ditch creating the illusion of a piped neck edge.

For a skirt with FOUR panels

1. Retrace the skirt pattern but add an additional 1/4” to the edge that says “place on fold”. This will add a seam allowance to this side. Cut out this new pattern piece. 2. Fold this new pattern piece in half lengthwise lining up the two sides of the pattern evenly with each other. Make a crease in the paper on this fold. The folded pattern piece may not be completely symmetrical at the hem edge. Even up the lower edge of the pattern piece by trimming it slightly so that each side edge is the same length. 3. Open up the new pattern piece and draw a line along the crease line. This line will be your new straight of grain marking. 4. Place the pattern piece on your chosen fabrics and cut out four skirt panels, lining up the new straight of grain line with your fabric grain. Mark the center of each piece at the top edge.

5. Pin and sew the side edges of each of the four pieces with right sides together to form the skirt. Press seams to the side and topstitch 1/8” from the edge. You may choose to press each of the four seams the same direction OR to press the front panel and back panel seams both toward the center before topstitching. 6. Sew a line of lengthened machine (ease) stitching around the top of the skirt. Be sure you have interfaced the lower edge of the bodice as instructed in the pattern. Line up the center markings on each of the skirt panels to the center front, side seams and center back of the bodice. 7. Pin skirt to bodice with right sides together and sew in place using the ease stitching thread to help the skirt fit to the bodice if needed. Press seam toward the bodice and finish with topstitching the lower bodice and hemming as instructed on pattern.

For a skirt with EIGHT panels

1. Trace skirt panel piece REMOVING the 1/4” seam allowance from one side of the panel. You will then have a pattern with seam allowances on the top and bottom, but none on the sides. 2. Fold this piece in half and slightly trim the lower edge where the hem is slightly asymmetrical making the side edges the same length. 3. Keep the piece folded and retrace it again, this time adding 1/4” seam allowances to both sides. 4. Cut out this new piece and fold it in half, creasing the folded edge. 5. Open it up and draw a line on this crease. This line will be your new straight of grain line. Align this line on the grain while cutting out each of your eight panels. 6. Pin and sew all skirt panels right sides together to form the skirt. Press seams to the side, either all in one direction OR every other one right, every other one left. Then, topstitch 1/8” from the seamline on each panel. 7. Sew a line of lengthened machine (ease) stitching around the top of the skirt. Be sure you have interfaced the lower edge of the bodice as instructed in the pattern. 8. Pin skirt to bodice. You can either line up the SEAM of a skirt panel with the bodice center front, center back and side seams OR you can line up the CENTER of a skirt panel with the front, back and sides, whichever way you like the look best. 9. Press the seam up toward the bodice after sewing. 10. Topstitch and hem according to pattern instructions.

Written by Melissa Sansom

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Children's Corner Store and Patterns

Celebrating the art of sewing since 1978, we are focused on classic and contemporary children’s clothing trends as well as quality sewing materials and instruction. 

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