Learn to Sew Basics for Boys III
This video lesson covers all four views of Basics for Boys III, our collection of our classic, young boys patterns – David, John, Michael, and Wright. Susan explains in full detail how to construct and finish each view: the four different shirts and the button-on shorts or bloomers. Basics for Boys III doesn't have to just be for boys! See how Susan sews the Wright shirt/bloomers for a girl, giving you the confidence to sew this pattern for every little prince or princess in your life. This video lesson is available on on our website. Shop the looks featured in the video below.
Shop the Video Lesson Looks
View A: David
Pattern: Basics for Boys III
Shirt Fabric: Pima Broadcloth White
Shirt Buttons: Mother of Pearl Button 1100, White / Size 18 (.43")
Plate: Jungle Friends by Cross Eyed Cricket
DMC Floss: 7 skeins - Blanc, 310, 470, 612, 738, 822, 839 (Purchase Match Your Floss and note these numbers.)
Shorts Fabric & Piping Accents: Brussels Yarn Dyed Flax by Robert Kaufman
View B: John
Pattern: Basics for Boys III
Shirt Fabric: Gingham Tattersall Blue
Shirt Buttons: Mother of Pearl Button 1100, White / Size 18 (.43")
Tab Buttons: Mother of Pearl Button 1100, White / Size 14 (.43")
Shorts Fabric: Pique Solid - Sky Blue
View C: Michael
Pattern: Basics for Boys III
Shirt & Shorts Fabric: Handkerchief Linen Blue
Shirt Buttons: Mother of Pearl Button 1100, White / Size 18 (.43")
View D: Wright
Pattern: Basics for Boys III with Alex Puff Sleeve
Shirt Fabric: Pima Broadcloth White
Shirt Buttons: Mother of Pearl Button 1100, White / Size 18 (.43")
Plate: 8 row design, included in BB3 pattern
DMC Floss: 3608 (Purchase Match Your Floss and note this number.)
Bloomers Fabric: Tatum L by Liberty of London
Bloomer Buttons: Mother of Pearl Shank Button White / Size 28 (.72")
*Products available at childrenscornerstore.com while supplies last.

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