Katina with Lined Skirt
Updated: May 24, 2023
At times it may be necessary to line the skirt of a Katina if the chosen fabric is very light colored or light weight. This is a very easy modification to do. It is best if both the outer and lining fabrics are light weight so that the finished dress is not too heavy.
Children’s Corner Katina pattern (sewn from the revised version available as digital or printed format) Lining (fabric requirements match that of the view dress you are making)
1. Begin by cutting out all pattern pieces except for the bias strips. Cut 2 extra skirts for the skirt lining.
2. Cut armholes. Stitch and finish side seams of the outer skirt. Repeat for skirt lining.
3. Place the skirt lining inside the outer skirt with right sides together matching side seams and armhole curves.
4. Pin and stitch skirts together at armhole curves. Trim seams and clip curves. Turn skirts right side out and press armhole curves.
5. Stitch gathering threads at top of front and back skirts treating the outer skirt and lining as one piece of fabric. Continue construction of the dress using pattern instructions.
6. Hem skirts separately. Hem lining ½-1 inch shorter than the outer skirt.
Adaptation by Melissa Sansom

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