Hope Pocket
Updated: Jun 7, 2023
Looking for inspiration, we went back and searched our archives and found a gem of a little pocket embellishment. Originally included in the Hope dress pattern, we updated the shape of the pocket and added it to this Lucy jumper. With a variety of fabric choices you can choose for the pocket, in our Lucy sample we made the pocket with the same fabric used for the dress lining.
Children’s Corner Lucy pattern
Hope Pocket pattern (click here to download)
Two 10” squares for pocket
1. Cut out pocket and pocket lining according to the free pattern download.
2. Transfer X’s and dot markings on the pocket to the fabric.
3. With right sides together, stitch around the entire pocket edge starting at one X and ending at the other. Trim the edge and clip the corners and curves.
4. Turn pocket right side out and press well.
5. Tie the knot at the top of the pocket before stitching to the dress. NOTE: If applying the Hope pocket to a gathered skirt, sew the pocket to the skirt prior to tying the knot.
6. Place the tied pocket on the dress on the child’s right hand side. The pocket should be centered at the halfway point of the side seam and the halfway point between the side seam and the dress center front.
7. Pin pocket in place and top-stitch the pocket to the dress front close to the edge. Begin at one dot and end at the other backstitching to lock stitches in place.
Instructions by Melissa Sansom

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