Halter Jane
Updated: May 31, 2023
This is a quick, fun adaption of the Children’s Corner Jane pattern, making it into a halter dress/tunic or even a great swimsuit cover-up! For sizes 7-10 use the Children’s Corner Stacia (out of print) and increase the front and back length to the desired dress length.
Children’s Corner Jane (1-6) or Stacia (1-10) out of print patterns 1/4” elastic - 1 yard Contrasting bias for pocket
Cutting Instructions
1. Trace the Jane back, stopping 1/4” above the underarm curve. The new cutting line will start here and will be perpendicular to the “place on fold” line.
2. Cut front and new dress back. Cut ruffle as follows:

1. Serge edge of the armhole curves and across the top of the dress front with a serger. Also serge the short ends of the neck ruffle and one long edge. Hem the other edge of the ruffle using a rolled hem foot or topstitch a small 1/8” hem by folding twice and pressing with an iron.
2. With the right sides together, stitch the ruffle to the top of each armhole curve.
3. Press this seam open and continue pressing the armhole edge 1/4” to the wrong side and top stitch the pressed edge.
4. Serge across the top of the dress back. With the right sides together, place the dress front on the dress back, allowing 3/8” of the dress back to extend beyond the bottom of the armhole curve. Stitch both side seams and finish the seam with a serger. Press the seam allowance toward the back of the dress.

5. Press top edge of dress back down 3/8” to the wrong side of the dress back. Stitch across the serged edge to form your 1/4” casing.
6. Press the top edge of the dress and the top edge of the ruffle to the inside 3/8”. Now stitch close to the edge to form a casing. Be sure to leave a 1/2” opening.
7. For the neckline, cut one piece of 1/4” wide elastic to the flowing length:

8. Run the elastic through the casing, stitch the ends together, then finish, stitching the casing. Adjust the casing fabric evenly around the elastic. To secure the elastic in the front, stitch and backstitch where the ruffle attaches to the dress front on each side.

9. For the back of the dress, cut 1/4” wide elastic the following lengths. *Note these elastic lengths are estimates, so if at all possible, try the dress on your child before stitching the elastic in place.

10. Run the elastic through the casing. Stitch each end of elastic down at the side seam.
11. Hem the dress with a 1” top stitched hem.
Adapted by
Susan Whitman

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