Ella with Angel Sleeves
Updated: Jun 3, 2023
You can slightly alter the Ella short sleeve to make a darling Angel sleeve giving this easy dress a new and frilly look.
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Pattern: Ella Fabric: Tiny Circles Periwinkle by Fabric Finders Appliqué: Sailboat Machine Embroidery *Available at childrenscornerstore.com while supplies last.
1. To shorten the Ella short sleeve, measure from the top cutting line to the bottom cutting line and find the midpoint. Cut off the bottom of sleeve at this point.

2. Press the bottom of the sleeve 1/8” to the wrong side and press again 1/8”. Top stitch hem in place.
3. Stitch sleeves to dress front and back with right sides together. Clip seam perpendicular 1/4” up from bottom of sleeve. Trim seam to 1/8” up to clipped seam allowance. Finish this seam with small zig zag (width 3.0mm x length 2.0mm). Press the seams toward the sleeves.

4. Stitch side seams with right sides together. Finish seam and press toward the back. Repeat with other side.
5. Measure the raw edge of the remaining armhole and add 1". Cut 2 bias bands this length and 3/4” wide.
6. Press one long raw edge of underarm bias strip 1/4” to wrong side. Pin the unfolded edge of underarm bias strip to dress with right sides together. Leave 1/2” of bias band overlapping the sleeve, and trim excess bias band. Fold the short ends of the bias band 1/4” to the wrong side of the bias. Stitch bias to dress (a).

Clip seams. Press bias away from dress. Continue folding bias to the wrong side of the dress and press. Whipstitch or topstitch bias on the inside of the dress (b).

7. Continue with Ella instructions.
Adaptation by
Susan Whitman

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