Eleanor with Eyelet Ruffle
Updated: Jun 23, 2023
The princess lines in the Eleanor pattern provide a great place to add a ruffle to this A-line dress. We created the ruffle out of the same chambray as the dress, and trimmed it with Swiss eyelet to create this delicate look. Susan used a lightweight poly cotton chambray by Art Gallery. With its perfect color and drape, you will want to use it for many projects.
Children’s Corner Eleanor pattern View A Swiss eyelet Tracing paper

Cutting Instructions
1. To adjust the armhole on the front and back bodice for a sleeveless dress, refer to the chart below to raise the armhole and bring in the shoulder seam. Draw a dot making the shoulder seam shorter and raising the armhole.

2. Using a French curve, if you have one, draw the curve connecting these dots. If you do not have a French curve, you can simply follow the shape of the pattern armhole to connect the dots.

1. Transfer all marks from pattern pieces to fabric.
2. Fuse a 1" wide strip of light weight interfacing to the wrong side of the back edge of the dress from the neckline to the large dot.
3. Taper each end of the ruffles by cutting a gentle curve starting 2" from the ends. Change picture to a more gentle curve.
4. Place the right side of the eyelet to the right side of the ruffle. Stitch using a zig zag (4 for the width and 1 for the length). The needle needs to swing off of the fabric as you stitch. This will allow the fabric to roll over the edge of the eyelet.
5. With the wrong side facing up, press the rolled edge toward the ruffle.
6. Stitch a gathering stitch 1/8” from the ruffle curved edge and again 3/8” from the edge.

7. Stitch shoulder seam of the center front with the two center backs with right sides together. Stitch the shoulder seams of the front sides to the back sides. Be sure these pieces are clearly marked on fabric.
8. Gather the ruffle by pulling the bobbin threads at each end to fit between the lowest tab marks on the front and back. as you pin, the ends of each ruffle will have fewer gathers so that the edging will lay flat without cupping up. Stitch in place.
9. Place the dress front and back sides onto the center front and backs with right sides together. Match the dots at the seam lines. Repeat with the other set of front and back sides. Trim seams and press the seam allowance toward the center.
10. Stitch shoulder seams of lining with right sides together. Press open.
11. Refer to step 29. Also stitch around each armhole in this step.
12. Continue the instructions with step 30.
13. Before going to step 31, trim and clip seams. Turn dress right side out by pulling each back side through the shoulder seam. Press so that the lining does not show from the front of the dress.
14. Continue Eleanor instructions starting with step 31, skipping sleeve instructions.
Adaptation by
Susan Whitman
*beautiful and playful photos captured by Amy Schuh

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