Charlie + Lucy Mashup
Updated: Jun 24, 2023
Achieve a new and adorable look when you combine the Charlie and Lucy patterns. Susan shows you how to redraft Lucy to work as the bodice on the Charlie pants. Make this adaptation with short or long pants, that can be lined or unlined. Because the playsuit buttons on the shoulder you will no longer need the placket in the pants. Inspired by our out of print pattern Paulie, this look is one that helps keep them moving and playing.
Children’s Corner Lucy (revised version)
Dress Front (#1) and Dress Back (#2)
Children’s Corner Charlie
Long Pants Front (#4) and Long Pants Back (#5)
Long Pants Leg Band (#12)
Long Pants Gripper Strip (#14)
Bodice side seam length
Tracing Paper
White Sheet of Paper
Applique shown by Southern Baby Classics
*Fabric requirements are the same as Charlie
1. Trace the top half of the front and back of Lucy. Now draw a new side seam cutting line that is the length of the Charlie side seam cutting line. This line will be parallel to the center front line. This is the new bodice pattern. Fold the placket extension on the back leg pattern piece to the wrong side of the pattern. There will not be a placket on this mashup so you will not need the extension for a placket. 2. Cut out and transfer all markings from the pattern pieces. Fuse any interfacing that is needed. 3. Stitch 1 side seam of the bodice and press open. Stitch piping around the top of the bodice. 4. Stitch the opposite side seam of the lining and press open. Place the lining onto the piped bodice with right sides together. Stitch following the stitching line of the piping. Trim and turn right side out and press 5. Pull a small amount of cording out of the piping and clip. With right sides together, stitch the remaining side seam. 6. Stitch the center back and center front of the legs. Repeat with lining. (Follow Charlie instructions if not lining) 7. Continue following the Charlie instructions starting with step 41 – 53. 8. Stitch 2 lines of gathering threads around the top of the pants. Sew the first row 3/8” from the top and the second row 5/8” from the top. Gather to fit the bottom of the bodice. 9. Stitch the bodice to the top of the legs with right sides together, leaving the bodice lining loose. Trim seam allowance to ¼” and press toward the bodice. 10. Press the bottom of bodice lining to the wrong side and whip stitch the lining to the stitching line. 11. Finish with buttonholes, buttons and grippers.

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