April Pattern Correction
Pattern Correction: April #301
These corrections apply to the first printing of April pattern released in January 2019.
1. The cutting layout should include fold and selvage.

2. Piping is needed for View B not View A in the What To Cut section. In step #2, disregard the first sentence about piping.
3. Ruffle – In steps #1 and #18, it refers to a shoulder mark on the ruffle, the shoulder mark is the center of the ruffle (the place On Fold line).
4. Buttons and Buttonholes – Step should read: With the back of the dress facing up, work buttonholes on the right-hand side of the bodice, and sew buttons on the left-hand side of the bodice using buttonhole placement on pattern as a guide.
1. For some sizes, the back shoulder seam of the main fabric and the lining is wider than the front shoulder seam. Simply, trim off the excess at the neckline as shown in the diagram. This will not effect the overall fit or look of the garment.

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