April for Christmas
Updated: May 31, 2023
We love the look of plaid at Christmas. We lengthened the bodice on April and shortened the finished width of the ruffle to give April a new look. We slip a blouse underneath this dress so she can be comfortable in any climate. Adding the Ruthie long sleeve to the Alex blouse made it a perfect pairing for colder days.
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Pattern: April with adaptations (see below)
Fabric: Tartan Red and Green by Spechler-Vogel
Lining: Imperial Batiste Red
Thread Color: 504 (Purchase Metrosene Poly Thread Small, Red and note this number/look to let us know.)
*Available at childrenscornerstore.com while supplies last.
Children’s Corner April Fabric - use requirements for 45" width fabric Children’s Corner Alex (blouse) Children’s Corner Ruthie (long sleeve)
1. Lengthen front and back bodices (pieces 1–5) by 1" along the bottom edge. 2. Lengthen front and back bodice linings (pieces 7–8) by 1" along the bottom edge. 3. Decrease the width of the ruffle pattern piece to finish at 1 1/4" width. 4. Increase the fullness of the skirt by moving the cut on fold line over by the amount listed on the chart. Use the cutting layout labeled View A & B 45" wide (6mo-14) for all sizes.

5. Complete by following April instructions.
Adaptation by
Cathy Jones

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