A New Sleeve Cuff
Updated: Jun 14, 2023
As originally designed, many of our cuffed sleeve patterns (Aprons, Basics for Boys, etc) are made for fabric that does that not have a wrong side like solid broadcloth. The fabric is simply folded up to achieve the look of a cuff. However, when sewing with a printed fabric, the wrong side of the fabric will show when folded up. Our tutorial will guide you through how to make a cuff for your sleeve using fabric with a right and wrong side.

Cutting Instructions
1. Trace sleeve pattern twice on pattern paper or tracing paper. You will use one sleeve to make a new cuff and the other to make a new sleeve pattern.
2. To make your new cuff pattern, measure up from the cuff fold line ¼.” Draw a line and cut on this line. Discard the top part of the sleeve.

3. To make your new sleeve pattern, measure down ¼” from the cuff fold line and cut on this line. Discard this portion of the cuff.

4. Write “cut 2” on both your new sleeve and cuff patterns.

5. Place the right side of the cuff to the wrong side of the sleeve and stitch. Unfold and press towards sleeve. Repeat with the other sleeve.

6. Stitch corded piping on the right side across of the cuff the bottom. Press the seam allowance to the wrong side of the cuff.

7. Fold up the cuff to right side of sleeve. Topstitch across the sleeve in the ditch between the cuff and piping.

Technique by
Susan Whitman

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